How to use Excel TRIM Function to remove extra space


TRIM function are text/string function in excel. TRIM function is used to eliminate additional spaces from a text and it allows one space to remain between words. It can also be used to omit extra space which have appeared from data copied from other platforms which had irregular spacing.


=TRIM( Text)


Text: It is the text or reference to a cell containing the text whose extra spacing needs to be removed.


  • This function is useful for ASCII Character set and not for non-breaking space character like   which is used in HTML.
  •  It can also be used to omit extra space which have appeared from data copied from other platforms which had irregular spacing.
  • It does not leave any space character at start or end of text.


In this example, text is entered in column A and has irregular spacing, this error has been corrected using TRIM function in column B which leaves text with one spacing in between and no spacing at the start and end.

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