How to use Excel CEILING.PRECISE function


CEILING.PRECISE function in excel is a Math/Trig function. It is a worksheet function. It rounds up the given function to a defined multiple or the nearest integer. It is different from CEILING function in the sense that whatever may be the sign of the number, it always rounds up. By default it uses 1 as a multiple. For example, number 1.5 is rounded up to nearest multiple of 1 by formula =CEILING.PRECISE(1.5,1) which gives 2 as the result.


=CEILING.PRECISE(Number, Multiple)


  • Number- The number or cell containing the number that is to be rounded off.
  • Multiple- It is the multiple to which you can round up the number


  • If the provided number is a multiple of multiple argument, it is not rounded up.
  • If argument is non numeric, #VALUE! error is displayed.
  • By default it uses 1 as a multiple.
  • It is different from CEILING function in the sense that whatever may be the sign of the number, it always rounds up and negative numbers are rounded towards zero.
  • If the number or multiple used has value 0 then zero is retrieved as the result.


In the following example, a table of numbers is given, it is rounded up using CEILING.PRECISE function.

In the following example, number of items and their bundle size is given; we use CEILING.PRECISE function to find how many bundles are needed.

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