How to use excel OR Function


The OR Function is used as a logical function to check multiple conditions at the same instant. OR provides value in the form of TRUE or FALSE. OR function can be used with IF function to remove complexity of multiple nested IF’s and is also used with function AND.


=OR (value1, value2, …)


value1 – It is the 1st value (logical) that will be processed.

value2 –  It is the 2nd value (logical) that will be processed.

Logical operator

We can use the following operators while using OR.

Operator Value
= Equal to
Greater than
>= Greater than or Equal to
Less than
<= Less than or Equal to
<>  Not equal to


  • Use the OR to check multiple conditions at the same instant. You can check up to 255 conditions altogether.
  • If you enter OR as array formula, you will be able to test all the values in a defined range against a given condition.
  • The OR function will return #VALUE if no logical values are found


Here, the statement is testing two criteria. Firstly we will check whether paid amount is less than total amount (D<B), Then we will check if the payment had been made within a month of issuing the invoice (E-C>30). If one of the criteria matches than value will come out to be TRUE and if none of the criteria matches than value will come out to be false .(See the 4th and 6th Row of Image)

or function

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