How to use Excel COUNTA Function


COUNTA function in excel is a statistical function. This function is used to count the number of values that are numbers, text, error values, logical values, empty text; usually these are the cells that contain numbers, text, error values, logical values, empty text. This is a worksheet function and can be entered into the cell in which count is required.


=COUNTA(value1, value2, …., …)


Value1:   1st range of values or reference to a cell

Value2:   2nd range of values or reference to a cell


  • COUNTA function can use up to 255 additional values.
  • If one wants to count text values and logical values, use COUNTA function.
  • COUNTIF and COUNTIFS function are used if one wants to use certain criteria for counting
  • If only number values are to be counted use COUNT function.


In this example, various values are entered in Column A and Column B, and COUNTA function is used to count values of Column A and column B using the formula =COUNTA(A4:A9, B4:B9) which gives 12 as the result.

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