How to use Excel ROUNDUP function


ROUNDUP function in excel is a Math/Trig function. It is a worksheet function. It rounds up the given function to a defined number of decimal places. For example, number 1.5 is rounded up to 0 decimal places by formula =ROUNDUP(1.5,0) which gives 2 as the result. ROUNDUP function is same as MROUND function except it always rounds up.  


=ROUNDUP(Number, Num_Digits)


  • Number- The number or cell containing the number that is to be rounded off.
  • Num_Digits- It is the number of digits to which you can round up the number.


  • If the provided number is a multiple of significance argument, it is not rounded up.
  • ROUNDUP function is same as MROUND function except it always rounds up.  
  • If argument is non numeric, #VALUE! error is displayed.
  • If sign of significance argument and number is opposite, #NUM! error is displayed.
  • It always rounds up the numbers from 1-9.
  • If num_digits is equal to zero then the number is rounded up to the nearest integer.
  • If num_digits is less than zero then the number is rounded to the left of defined decimal places.
  • If num_digits is greater than zero then the number is rounded to the right of defined decimal places.


In the following example, a table of numbers is given, it is rounded up using ROUNDUP function.

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